Sunday, August 3, 2008

So I've given in...

I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would enter the blogging world. I swore that I would never, ever shamelessly write on the internet about how fabulous, cute, and sweet my child is. I was wrong. I had many reasons for not wanting to do this:

1. Safety issues--If I can easily look at other people's blogs and learn about where they shop, what their children's names are, etc. it makes me leery of some stranger doing the same to me.

2. Anthony dying of humiliation--self explanatory. He'll live.

3. Pressure of making sure that my grammar is correct. As a (former) English teacher and current grammar snob, I'll try my best. I am not perfect, though; I apologize in advance.

I decided to bite the bullet for a few reasons:

1. Because it will give me something to do.

2. My parents/family live hours away, and I'm hoping this will give them an opportunity to keep up with Sam.

3. Because my child IS fabulous, cute, and sweet.

So here I am...congratulations bloggers; I've caved.