Monday, June 3, 2013

Sam's graduation...(insert sad face)

Sam had a graduation ceremony at the end of the school year, and it was definitely bittersweet.  He has been at his school since he was 1, starting in MMO and then continuing through Pre-k.  Seeing all those little people who he has been with since he was a baby was slightly overwhelming.  We will miss his teachers next year, but I will still get to see them since Alex will be starting there for 2 days a week.  (Of course, that's if I can get him to stay without me.  Alex screams his head off the entire time he's in the nursery at church.  He threw up this past Sunday because he was so upset. Seriously.  Every bit of his breakfast on the floor.)

His teachers cried.  I cried.  Anthony cried.  We start our next adventure at a whole new school in the fall.

Receiving his certificate.  As usual, he needed a haircut.  Mom fail. 

 His BFF.  She'll head to another school next year.  :(

Alex was sad Sam graduated, too.