Monday, August 4, 2008

Beach Preparations and GMS

Next Thursday, Anthony and I will be taking Sam on his first official vacation. We're headed to Point Clear, AL for a long weekend at the Grand Hotel. Anthony's parents are graciously letting us tag along, and we are really looking forward to it. Sam already has 3 swimsuits and several hats, (because what 2 1/2 month old doesn't?) but I've been looking for a pair of sunglasses. I found some yesterday, and I couldn't resist. Behold: Cookie Monster Sunglasses.

GMS (Good Mood Sam)

Anthony and I have a friend who was notorious for getting into a funk. When he did, everyone referred to him as BMM, or "Bad Mood Mike." Surprisingly, this did not improve his disposition. Anyway, whenever Sam is in an especially good mood, we refer to him as GMS--Good Mood Sam. GMS usually shows up in the morning after a good night's sleep and a full belly. However, he decided to show up last night, and we actually got footage of it. (It's really hard to capture him in pictures/video because the second you get it out, he stops smiling and talking.) Check it out.