Sunday, August 16, 2009

One last summer trip...

First of all, thanks so much to all of you who answered my complaint and gave me some really good suggestions for cute boys play clothing. I'm definitely going to place an order with Make Mine Monogrammed. I also wanted to clarify that I'm not above Target or Wal-Mart for play-clothes. I just have to wade through the racks to find things that I like.

The fam and I just returned from our last official summer trip. We made a return trip to Point Clear, AL, for a 4 night stay at the Grand Hotel. I'm too lazy right now for a play-by-play, so I've summed things up by numbers.

10,000--the very lenient estimated number of calories I ingested. The diet and exercise program starts tomorrow.

1-ice cream sandwich for Sam

He liked it...a lot.

3-number of people on a two-seater bike. Sam was the third. It may have been the most-embarrassing parental situation Anthony and I have gotten into so far. Emphasis on the "may."

7-number of times we escorted Sam down the awesome waterslide.

6-number of times Anthony went down by himself.

31-Anthony's age.

9-fruity drinks consumed. (That number may be fudged a little.)

25-bedtime stories read to Sam.

A million-number of peanut butter and jelly/grilled cheese sandwiches eaten.

20-approximate number of hours spent poolside.

20-number of minutes Sam slept today. Not good.

120-number of minutes Sam cried on the way home today. Not fun, people. Not fun at all.

2-number of times Sam fed the ducks.

We had a great time, and I do really love the place. It makes your stay even better when you have a fabulous set of grandparents who will entertain your child so that you can rest. If I were you, I'd definitely invest in 2 good sets of grandparents. They're super handy.


Katie said...

Sam looks like a big boy in that last picture with you. His hair has gotten so long! Glad you enjoyed the trip.