Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I don't get it...

The chunk munk needed a new stroller, (since we were super smart and left the old one on our carport to mildew) so I headed out to buy him some new wheels this morning. I really do love places like Babies 'R' Us and Target. Even if I only need one item, I'll still check out all the gadgets, clothing, and toys their marketing geniuses dangle in front of me. However, these establishments seriously lack in one area--boys' play clothes. As my friend Laura stated--"all little boys' clothing is orange, brown, and green, and is usually adorned with a dinosaur playing basketball." She's right...quite literally, in fact. Anthony and I were in the Osh Kosh outlet and found a brown t-shirt with a dinosaur playing basketball on it. We had a good laugh over that one.

I know my child is male. I get it. He is supposed to like trucks, football, and frogs. But I don't think that he should automatically dress like he's a 13-year-old with serious fashion issues, nor do I think a 1-year-old looks cute in a t-shirt the color of mud with some sort of graffiti font splashed across it. We wear a lot of john-johns and appliqued stuff around here, but I hate to risk messing that sort of thing up with everyday wear. I would love to find some cute, age-appropriate play clothes that don't have monster trucks or some other heinousness all over them. Maybe I'm the one who's wrong here, but I want my little boy to look like a little boy. Am I nuts?

You girly moms have no idea how good you've got it--until she's 12 and wants to wear all that Hannah Montana crap. Have fun with that.


Laura @ our messy messy life. said...

Henry wears his cute clothes everyday. I strip him before he eats and scrub them with fels naptha soap bar when they get stained.

I don't like little boys that look grown up. I like my baby to look like a baby. And, yes, he still wears bubbles!

The Stringers said...

TOTALLY agree! My friends joke that Smith will be in Jr High before he wears a pair of shorts!

Check out my friend, Keely's blog. She makes really cute cotton john johns with appliques and that is what Smith usually wears when I know he's gonna get dirty! They are inexpensive and replaceable, yet still really cute!

The Stringers said...

i forgot her link:


Unknown said...

our henry has never worn jeans, and prob. won't until he is fifteen.

He has a lot of play clothes from gymboree. And she also buys plain t-shirts then has my mom put cute appliques on them - usually his name monogramed over a cute pattern. It is really cute and inexpensive, so it won't matter if it gets dirty.
Trey says there is never a doubt what his name is, bc it is usually tatooed on his clothing somewhere.

Henry won't wear what he calls "outfits" anymore, except for church. Outfits = smockings. If she puts him in smocked john johns he immediately asks if they are going to church. Then he demands pockets.

i love little boys.

The Bonds Family said...

Amen!!! I have the hardest time finding cute stuff for Andrew. Now that he's 3 1/2 it's getting worse. What's wrong with little boys looking like little boys? Why do you have to spend $40 on an outfit just to make sure that it's not covered in dinosaurs playing basketball. I'm proposing that we start our own clothing line geared around our needs that are affordable. As for Hannah Montanna, that's only allowed for sleepwear in our house. Not ready for all that yet and will fight it as long as I can.

The Segrest Family said...

i love john johns and long alls too - and i like to coordinate camp and nash =) ha! i was sad when camp got potty trained and i couldnt put him in john johns anymore. i go to the kevin annison sale every year - as well as the overstock sale in madison (coming up!) and stock up on cute stuff. not only can you find the john johns and longalls - but smocked and appliqued tee shirts with matching shorts (for camp). i bet you already know about those though!
and i have bought some cute stuff from keely (emily mentioned above) and she does a GREAT job!

i will say that i do dress my boys in target and walmart clothes ALOT! i have some of the cutest sweaters from target (they put out winter this week!)
oops, i wrote a book, and all i wanted to say was that i agree - cute boy clothes are hard to find=)

The Lively's said...

Zutano has really cute play clothes. Also, Walmart has really cute solid color t-shirts - I think they are $3.50 and then you just get it monogrammed.

Meredith Shapley said...

You are so right, Alli. I had know idea what I was missing in the clothes dept. until Catherine was born. I think someone already posted it, but Gymboree has some of the better boys playclothes that I've seen.

Gracie said...

You are one hundred percent correct. George just moved into 12 month clothes...and I find the cute play clothes dwindling. There is, however, always a large selection of jorts in his size that Bailey and I always get a big kick out of. I can't wait to see yall at the reunion.

The Cross Family said...

Ali, email me at catherinedcross@aol.com. I make a lot of T and C clothing because I like for them to look little as well. John is even wondering if I am going to make his soccer shorts. I have a lot of people's blogs that sew and applique that I think you would like.

Unknown said...

sounds like someone needs to make a trip to the vicksburg outlet mall....I think we have gymboree.

jake, rebecca, lilly, and charlie kidder said...

gurl, is hannah montana not cute? i love dressing lilly AND charlie up in those glittery shirts. seriously, one of my friends stopped dressing her 4 year old boy in john johns because he begged her not to put another one on him. i think that's when you can stop. until then, PLEASE dress your little boy like a little boy and leave the 'ladies man' tattoo'd shirts for other people...