Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hodge Podge

I warn you--this post has no continuity or linear train of thought.

First of all, I appreciate all of you who stopped by the Holllywood Baby trunk show on Monday. I know that most people aren't as familiar with this line, but it is SERIOUSLY cute. The website and brochures don't do it justice. Every single piece is completely customizable, so it's a lot of fun to pick out stuff for little ones. I'm obsessed with the corduroy cuffed pant that they sell, so if you see Sam this fall, chances are he'll be wearing a pair.

Don't have a whole lot going on at our abode right now. We're squeezing in some last minute summer fun and getting ready for football season and fall. My mother did find Sam this cutesie Bailey Boys outfit, which I am also obsessed with:

It's a seersucker baseball uniform complete with pinstripes. Love it.

In other random news...when I was pregnant with Sam, one of my best friends gave me the best nursery/lullaby cds. They're called Rockabye Baby! This line takes popular bands and turns their songs into lullabies. They have saved my sanity. You can only listen to "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" so many times. Anyway, I had the U2, Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and Coldplay cds. Today, I discovered that iTunes now has all of them available for purchase. I spent a good 30 minutes putting together Sam's ultimate sleepytime cd--he now has lullaby renditions of The Beatles, The Cure, The Rolling Stones, George Strait, Garth Brooks, Johnny Cash, The Beach Boys, Radiohead, The Smashing Pumpkins, Queen, Dave Matthews Band, Pink Floyd and Journey.

Can you say awesome? If you are preggo, I highly recommend making this purchase.

Lastly, other blog friends have talked about using Blurb.com to turn their blogs into books. Well, I did it. I turned a year's worth of blogging into an awesome family yearbook. I chose the 8 x 10 hardcover with dust jacket, and I threw in the premium paper and 2 day shipping. (I'm not patient.) Total cost for 117 pages? $58. I am really proud of it. The book turned out great, and I've now earned the right to say I'm published.

In the future, I'll try my best to have an actual reason to post. I'm not promising, though.


childsplay said...

glad you made the book - now you'll have to help me figure out how to do it - I uploaded the blog to date to play with it in blurb but hated how it formatted - I want a cute book not a blog post per page with tiny pictures - I think my book will be huge when it's done - glad to hear that everything is going good in the sherman house!!!! miss ya'll - lizbeth