Thursday, March 19, 2009

The last day of winter...

Today is officially the last day of winter. (Hooray!) March 20th kicks off the season of all things wonderful: flowers, pretty weather, and Easter. And with Easter comes the yummy deliciousness we all know and love--Easter candy. As far as I'm concerned, Easter owns the market on fabulous candy. Valentine's Day may be known for chocolate, but there's only one time a year you can get these:

And these:

And these:

I'll admit, I certainly didn't wait for the formality of March 2oth. I bought some Cadbury eggs the other day, and it was painful trying not to eat all three luscious pieces of chocolate at once. I used to think that it was bogus for Cadbury to withhold their treats from me except during the spring. (And, no--spring isn't capitalized--none of the seasons are. You were wondering about me, weren't you?) Anyhoo, now I think Mr. (or Mrs.) Cadbury is onto something. If I had access to their sweets year round, not only would I weigh 400 lbs., but I wouldn't appreciate them. So here's to you, Cadbury Company--you make spring even better than it already is.

I am LOVING this weather. Sam and I actually got to go to the park the other day, and he ate it up. The kid loves being outside, so the park was a perfect destination for us. We rocked it out on the swing for a little while. He then picked up a few phone numbers, and we called it a day.

I'm now about to spend the rest of my day installing cabinet latches. Chunkybutt has figured out how to open the cabinets and sweep everything out on the floor. He's not walking yet, but he's cruising everywhere and is tentatively letting go to stand on his own for brief periods of time. As much as I'm chasing him now, I think I can afford a few Cadbury Eggs.

I think I'll go buy some more, now.


jake, rebecca, lilly, and charlie kidder said...

jake and i went to london a few years ago and do you know what they have in the vending machines in the metro? CADBURY EGGS! can you even believe it? and where were you when katie and i lived together and ate 1 pound bags of the mini eggs...those devilish delicious eggs...and that chubby baby boy is too juicy.