Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mobility makes life interesting...

It's only 10:00, and my day has already been full of surprises.

I usually shower before Anthony leaves in the morning so that I don't have to worry about watching Sam while getting ready. However, Sam had a tummy ache at 5:00 this morning, and he would not let me put him down, which resulted in his sleeping in the bed with us. Because of this sleep interruption, we had a bit of a lie-in this morning, and Anthony left for work before I had chance to clean up. My genius idea was to get all hazardous material out of our bathroom and sit Sam in the floor while I quickly washed my hair. Sounds reasonable, right? I hopped into the shower and was just about to lather my hair when my child rips the shower curtain aside Psycho-style and barrels into the shower with me. (We have a walk-in shower.) He was immensely pleased with himself .

I did not take pictures of this for obvious reasons.

After we got cleaned up, I attempted to fold some clothes. Sam started crawling into the kitchen, but I was sitting where I could see and hear him, so I let him go for it. I turned to pick up another load of laundry. Sam got very quiet, and Linus, our dog, started whining. I looked up and figured out why Linus was pouting. You would whine too, if a kid was eating your food.

You'll have to forgive me for taking a picture before I took the dog food away.


Katie said...

FUNNY! Ava (my niece) ate Sam's dog food when she came to visit last time.