Monday, December 1, 2008

Catching up...

First of all, Sam and I want to wish a happy birthday to a sweet husband and father. I've spent the morning working on a birthday cake, and I'm praying that it tastes okay. Let's just say that as of right now it looks a little suspect. If it has chocolate and caramel, it can't be that bad, can it?

We spent last Wednesday through Saturday at my parents' house, and we really enjoyed getting to see them. I'm sure they probably enjoyed it more now that Sam is here. Thanksgiving was celebrated at my aunt's house in Tupelo, and Sam was introduced to lots of great-aunts, great-uncles, and even a great-great-aunt. I've put together a slide show with pics from our visit. He was really good; I don't think I could have asked for a better day for him.

We headed back to Senatobia that night, and Friday morning my mother and I got up at 4:30 to go shopping. Yes, that's correct--4:30. I would usually need my mom to get me up, but since Sam is now cutting his top two teeth, his sleep schedule is certainly not the best. I just happened to get up with him at 4:30, and thought, "Why bother going back to sleep?" It's amazing how little sleep I can get by on these days. Anyway, we did get a lot done. We were in Memphis by 6:45 and spent the morning in Macy's until the other stores opened up. Since we went to an outdoor shopping center, the crowds really weren't that bad. I'm sure the economy also had a lot to do with crowd control. Sam spent the day with Anthony, my dad, and my oldest brother, and they watched plenty of football. I guess his first egg bowl experience wasn't the best. Anthony was completely worn out by the time we got home. He's probably glad to be at work today.

We came back to Jackson on Saturday and promptly put up our tree. I'm all about getting a tree up as soon as humanly possible. We even have a few gifts wrapped, which Sam has definitely noticed. He's scooting around a lot these days and struggling to figure out how to crawl. His little fat legs get tangled up, so he can't always get everything coordinated. However, he does find a way to get into things. It makes me nervous. Saturday night I was putting up a garland in our house. I looked down at the floor to check on Sam and this is what I saw...

I swear, I didn't pose him. I'm contemplating using one of these as our Christmas card picture, but I can't decide.

And FYI, I have an OBNOXIOUS, and I mean OBNOXIOUS amount of Christmas clothing for the kid. I even have one of those corny Santa suits. I can't wait to see what he looks like in it.


LT (and Max) said...

ok... i need to SQUEEZE sam. he is the cutest. i can't decide who he looks like...

oh--and save me some of that cake. yummy.

Dianna and Joe Davis said...

So I am officially very jealous of your precious, beautiful family. If and when I ever grow up I am aspiring to be just like you. Ok?