Monday, August 30, 2010
Can I Get An Amen...

Posted by The Shermans at 8:29 AM sweet remarks and naughty notes(7)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Ain't Life Grand...
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Colonel Mustard, in the library, with the candlestick...
Posted by The Shermans at 1:00 PM (1)
Labels: silly stuff
Saturday, August 21, 2010
It's Dangerous Being a State Fan...
Remember my son's obsession with cowbells? (See below.)
I always knew that they should probably be classified as weapons. I fervently believe that they can do just as much damage as nunchucks. We have several bells in our arsenal, and one of them is an actual bell from a cow--that's a story for another day. Anyway, it's heavy. A couple of weeks ago, Sam got it down from its spot on the bookshelf and promptly dropped it on his toe. Cringe. The toe turned black within an hour or so, and we had the pleasure of heading to the pediatrician's. Our doc informed me that he could relieve the toe pain by making a small hole in Sam's toenail. Double-cringe. I was the lucky lady who got to hold down my child during the process, which actually wasn't that bad. They used a small cauterization tool, and I'm told it doesn't hurt. Let's hope so.
Posted by The Shermans at 2:09 PM sweet remarks and naughty notes(2)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Communal Cowbell
As many of you know, my husband is a long-suffering, extremely passionate MSU fan. Some people hunt, some people play music, Anthony follows all things in Maroon and White. I like to read; Anthony likes to tailgate. We've followed our dawgs to a College World Series, a Cotton Bowl, and almost every venue in the SEC, among other things. I've watched him have the time of his life when we win, and I've watched him throw--and break I might add--a cell phone out the window when we lose. (Which, let's face it...the past few years we've lost a lot.) This passion could affect Sam in one of two ways:
1. He'll be just like his father.
2. He'll resent it and attend school somewhere else out of pure spite.
We attend an Episcopal church. Before communion, they chime a bell at certain periods when presenting the Eucharist. When they chimed the bell this past Sunday, Sam very loudly said, "I hear a cowbell."
I'm going with option one.
Posted by The Shermans at 1:57 PM sweet remarks and naughty notes(3)
Labels: MSU, silly stuff