Thursday, July 1, 2010

What's going on...

Sorry I've been so boring lately.  Actually, I've had tons of stuff to blog about, but then something happens, and I feel guilty that I haven't written about previous happenings.  It's a blogjam, really. 

To recap the past couple of weeks, Sam has been busy.  I know, shocker.  We have found out that he is crazy sensitive to mosquitoes.  Need proof?

No, that's not Rocky Balboa.  That's my child.  His right eye was almost completely swollen shut.  I'm afraid to take him outside at all for fear of this happening again.  It's the 2nd time this summer that he's gotten bitten near his eye, and it's a problem, because the last time I checked, you can't spray "OFF!" around a kid's eyes.  He looked pitiful for 4 days.

He got a little bored since he had to stay inside so much, so he decided to entertain himself by getting into the "frigrator" and cooking with some raw eggs...on my floor. Exciting.  How sad is it that I went and got the camera before correcting the problem? 

That's right.  Rub those eggs into all the crevices in mommy's tile.

Notice the eye that's still funky.  I think this was day 3. 

And what have I been up to?  Glad you asked.  I was one of those insane people who went to the movie at midnight on Tuesday/Weds. to see the first possible viewing of Eclipse.  Go ahead, make fun.  I accepted my nerd status a long time ago, and I have no problem with it whatsoever.  Did I read the books?  Uh, yes.  When I was 9 months pregnant with the darling cherub above, I retreated to a town named Forks with a hot vampire named Edward.  (And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, you may want to check your pulse.  Sidenote--Eddie doesn't have a pulse.) I like to think that the Cullen gang helped me get though the last few weeks of an uncomfortable pregnancy. 

Anyway, a group of girls met up for some pre-movie Mexican and adult beverages.  We then headed to the 10 o'clock.  You know you're old when you look at your watch and think, "I should have been in bed an hour ago."  We powered through though, and I will be seeing it again.  Preferably when there's not a disgusting redneck woman talking to the screen as if Edward and Jacob are going to talk back.  Seriously.  I'm not lying.  She had a full-on one-sided conversation at one point.  This was also while she was apparently guzzling beers.  We kept hearing the tell-tell pop of a can opening, and the way she was acting, I don't think it was a contraband Coca-cola.

Have a happy 4th!


Unknown said...

This is my favorite post of yours. I forgot that we share a love for Twilight. SO JEALOUS that you've already seen the movie. I'm going tomorrow. CAN.NOT.WAIT.

The Segrest Family said...

poor Sam! Camp has the same problem! He grew out of it in the last year - but in his first 3.5 years of life, if he got bitten on his head/neck/face, he swelled like Elephant man and it was SO SAD. We almost got an epi-pen but our doc said he was going to be fine. We did invest in some Avon Skin So Soft. It smells nice and you can lube them up and it works! (Supposedly it is an insect repellant...) I do still put that he is allergic to mosquitoes on his info though. Now, he just gets big read knots in the bite area. I hope that Sam feels and looks better soon!!! good luck! ps- I can't remember if you are a viewer of our blog or not? I you aren't and want to be, email me at and I will add you!

Amy said...

I don't know how many times I've walked in on Jack doing something and said, "NO! Wait, let me get my camera!" Going to see Eclipse this weekend!

The Trustys said...

Hey - have you tried the Off Sensitive wipes? That's what we use. Morgan swells up like nobody's business too. I wipe them all around her eye, but not exactly on the eyelid... I think it helps. Love to hear someone else is obsessed with E Cullen as myself. I keep Twilight and Breaking Dawn on my bedstand at all times so that when I can't sleep I can read a bit and have sweet dreams...

Laura said...

AP had the same problem, but she's outgrown it. Those nuggets still love her, though. We've been using Victoria's Secret Amber Romance, and it seems to keep them away.
Let me know when you go back to the movie, I'd love to see it again, sans redneck woman!