Monday, June 21, 2010

Memo to parents...

For the handful of people who read my ramblings, you know that my sweet, (once) chunky, baby boy has just turned two.  And he has embraced this whole terrible twos thing with relish.  I don't know which kid on the playground told him that his head had to start spinning just because of a number, but I really don't appreciate it.  I mean, I certainly wasn't thrilled to turn the big 3-0, but I didn't catch an attitude. Anyway, the number 2 is definitely giving us a run for our money around here. A few things of note for all you parents out there.

1.  "Mine" becomes the most integral word in their vocabulary.  As in, "Give Mommy her nail polish back.  It's not paint."  Sam's response--"No.  Mine.  Sam's polish."  The kid has gotten as territorial as a mother grizzly bear. 

2.  Going to the grocery store feels like heading to war.  Sam used to be the best "grocery store baby."  He would sit contentedly in his little seat, and I would peacefully peruse the goods.  Not anymore.  First of all, he finally noticed those wretchedly gross grocery cart "cars."  You know, the ones that should probably require a commercial license to drive?  The ones that look like they are NEVER sanitized? Yes, those.  He's also figured out how to unbuckle his little seatbelt and bolt into the oncoming cart traffic.  On top of all this, he also thinks he should help me shop, which means I get to the checkout with a random bottle of barbecue sauce, some marshmallows, and a bottle of chocolate syrup. 

I try my best to get in and out as quickly as possible.  I look like I'm on that tv show, "Super Market Sweep."

3.  The transition to the "big boy bed."  Wowsers.  Never knew how much this would affect me.  When Sam was in his crib, he might wake up early, but he went back to sleep because he couldn't get out of the crib.  Now, he just rolls right on in to our 5:00.  We have now put a gate on his door.  Is that a fire hazard? 

He wears me out, but he sure is fun.

So there you have it.  3 things you should know about 2-year-olds. 


Unknown said...

But he could quite possibly be the cutest 2 year old known to man!!

mary straton said...

1) i hate those blasted car carts.
2) i don't think the reason Sam puts chocolate syrup, BBQ sauce and marshmallows in your cart is because he's 2. I think it's because he's a male. Kell does pretty much the same thing.