Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Super fun...

Insert sarcasm...

This weekend we noticed that Sam had a small, seemingly insignificant rash on his face. It turns out we were really wrong about the insignificant part.

By late Sunday afternoon, the rash covered pretty much every inch of his body, and it looked horrendous. Our pediatric group is open every day of the year except Christmas and Thanksgiving, so we took him in Sunday night at 7:30 and a doctor checked him out. Hand, foot, and mouth disease was the diagnosis. If you're not familiar with this particular brand of torture, it's a super-contagious virus that causes a person to run a low-grade fever and break out in a rash all over the body. (Specifically the hands, feet, and mouth.) Poor kid even has sores in his mouth, too. Good news is that it's nothing major. Bad news is, it has to "run its course." No Mother's Morning Out for us this week.

I would post pictures, but let's face it, that'd be gross. Feel free to google it.

What's even more fun is freaking out every time I have an itch...I'm terrified I'm going to get it. I bet you're itching now, too.


LT (and Max) said...

bless his little heart!!!! i hope it heals soon and that his mommy and daddy don't get it!!!!