Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Somebody's got gas...

On Tuesday, it wasn't us. Our sweet little gas company decided to do some maintenance on our gas line, but they apparently forgot to turn it back on. Luckily for us, Tuesday happened to be pretty chilly, and we had no hot water and no heat. I think Anthony's shower lasted all of 20 seconds, and I didn't get to take one at all. While I waited on the gas people to come back and correct the issue, I wrapped myself in quilts and sat on a heating pad. I looked like the scene from Christmas Vacation when Clark accidentally gets trapped in the attic. I'm not exaggerating. I looked ridiculous. Fortunately, Sam was at MMO that day, so he didn't have to freeze with me.

We have now rejoined the 21st century--I have heat, hot water, and I am now clean as a whistle. I even took the turban off my head.