Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Many thanks...and a hungry hippo

First of all, I want to thank all of you who have called, texted, or e-mailed us. Your thoughts and prayers have certainly helped, and we are most appreciative. Anthony's grandfather was a wonderful person, and I'm not sure that I can do justice to just how great he was. Having lost the only grandfather I knew when I was in the fourth grade, Popi was a wonderful reminder of just how lovely grandparents are. He was a warm, welcoming presence, and he will definitely be missed. Anthony and I have discussed at length how much we have to live up to; it's a challenge I hope we can meet.

In an on-going effort to cheer up our family, we videoed a little of feeding time tonight. Sam is eating some cereal at his nighttime meal, and it's quite funny. He makes hysterical faces like this:

It's like feeding a bird...a very, very, hungry bird. I'm also posting video. Be warned...when Sam eats, it's not the most appetizing thing to watch.

Question--When you become a parent, does your obnoxious factor automatically rachet up? I feel that this is something they should tell you in those parenting classes. (Which didn't help us at all. We skipped the one about c-sections because we didn't think we needed it...figures.) Anyway, after they give you breathing exercises and all that mojo, I think they should bring out a chart that shows the level of parental obnoxiousness sky-rocketing after a child's birth.

Something like this:

And now, the video.


Unknown said...

love the video. he is adorable. i want to squeeze him.

Frank and Ginger said...

love your posts!

Witcher Family said...

That is just like Tripp....grabbing at me, the spoon, the bowl! He is starting to make grunting sounds and mmmmms too, it's hysterical!
Yes, obnoxiousness does go up and it's SO fun to be that way!

Katie said...

Sophie just watched this in amazement with her face about an inch from Sam aka "baby Sam"