Thursday, March 3, 2011

A smattering...

I am woefully behind on my blogging.  Shocker.  I've been completely consumed by my new hobby, so my blog has suffered.  I'll try to do better--pinky swear.

What has Sam been up to lately? Hmmmmm....he is an extremely ACTIVE almost-3-year-old.  Emphasis on "active."  He has become a complete parrot--he repeats anything and everything he hears, so we've really had to start watching what we say.  And probably the thing that makes me happiest--he is officially pottty-trained.  Thank. You. God.  Some days I thought I would have a nervous breakdown trying to get that kid to go in the potty.  We've had the minor stuff under control for a long time now, but the major deed was posing a problem.  No longer. 

The following is TMI--you have been warned. 

He will sit on the toilet and ask "is it coming?"  I don't know how to explain to him that I have no idea what's going on in his digestive system.  After finishing his business, his daddy has taught him to say, "I own this potty,"  which is pretty hysterical. 


In other news, Sam's great-grandmother sent him some grass seeds to plant and watch grow. He really enjoyed checking on his "plants" every day. 

He looks so old.  He's really lost all of his baby fat, which makes me sad. 


Laurin said...

Ha ha! I love the "I own this potty!" So cute.