Monday, March 22, 2010

Toilet trouble...

I thought I could take 10 minutes to check my e-mail, facebook, etc.  without incident.  I am stupid.  Very, very, stupid. 

In the time it took me to sit down and get on the internet, Sam had gotten a cup off the bar, taken it to the back, opened a door that he's not supposed to open, dipped the cup in the toilet water, and, well, he drank it.  Disgusting. If you see us today, you may want to refrain from kissing my child.

The good news is I cleaned the toilets yesterday. 


Unknown said...

ha! I love that kid

Julie said...

OMG he is amazing haha... How could he do it?? Well, there you have another anecdote to tell him when he grows up. I can´t imagine how he did it. And I believe you must have got Trouble getting started when you had to clean up the toilet! Anyways, that is pretty much what kids do so just don´t kiss hime today and move on...
What happened is funny though hahaha

Laura @ our messy messy life. said...

oh my!!!!!

my blog is public. no biggie.

and, yes!!! congrats are in order!

Laurin said...

That's hilarious! I don't feel so bad now. We are working on the potty business and Lennox gets to flush if he sits on the potty. So... he wanted to flush after mommy peepeed on the potty. I said, ok. He proceeced to dunk his hand in hulk glove into the peepee potty! YUCK.

Katie said...

Easter pics please!!!!