Thursday, February 18, 2010

From the mouths of babes...

Sam is pretty much a parrot these days, so we're having to watch every word that comes out of our mouths.  I'm not sure that we're doing a great job with that, though.  Yesterday Sam had some funk on his nose, so I got a wipe to clean up his face.  As I was scraping away the nastiness, he pointed to his nose and said, "boogers."  Lovely.  I'm pretty sure his daddy taught him that one because I know I didn't. 

As pretty much everyone knows, we got quite a bit of snow last week, and I have failed to put up our snow pictures.  I apologize. I'm sure you've been dying to see Sam in action.  Sambo wasn't too thrilled with the cold.  It probably has something to do with the "snowball" his daddy threw at him, but that's just my guess.  Some tears were shed after that. 

Lately he's gotten very particular about his hands being messy, so that probably also jaded his opinion of the white stuff.  I don't think that he'll like building sandcastles this summer if this phase continues.  Seeing how he deals with the beach ought to be a hoot.

Before his dad threw snow at him.  Notice my use of his socks for gloves.  Classy.

Post snowball = not happy.

I love this hat--I think it's hilarious.  I got it on sale at the Gap a few weeks ago for $5.  Best purchase ever.

He wasn't too sure about the snowman.  I guess it is kind of creepy if you think about it.


childsplay said...

that is a ton of snow and what a super cute hat/family/everything!

Laurin said...

That's cute that he knows about boogers! How is it that they are so boyish but they don't even know what boys/girls are yet? Lennox likes to point to all diapers and say "poopie?" I just knod.

Laurin said...

Ok, so I'm driving home yesterday with random thoughts in my head and I realized I spelled nod with a k. Of all the places to spell a word incorrectly, I had to pick an English teacher's blog!