Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Right now...

My child is as happy as a pig in slop. He is currently sitting on top of my dining room table, and he is DESTROYING my cute, festive, Halloween centerpiece. (Proof is below.) Right now, he could run around naked while screaming obscenities, and I wouldn't care. The beginning stages of a sinus infection do not equal happiness, so we're just trying to make it until the end of the day.

On a side note, I'm not sure what happened in the last month or so, but the kid has developed a TEMPER. If you walked by our house at certain times, I feel sure you would call the police. When he gets mad, (because I won't let him stick his finger in sockets, for example) he acts as if I'm beating him with a garden hose. It's not pretty. All I know is we're about to implement some discipline tactics, which ought to be hilarious. If anyone has suggestions, feel free to bestow your veteran advice.

P.S. There was a question about safety plugs...We do have them, but Sam still wants to pull out anything that is plugged in-- then he tries to stick his fingers in there. I've also had to stop him from attempting to remove safety plugs. He'll either be a mechanical engineer or a criminal. We're keeping our fingers crossed.


Unknown said...

so from the sounds of it i wasn't sure...don't you have the child proof socket inserts that you can get at walmart? they are heaven sent and now it's not even an issue after you put those in...they forget all about it and move on to destruct the next thing :) yeah, i don't think decorating for holidays will happen in our house til the kiddos are out of toddlerhood (oh well).

good luck, ejw

Laurin said...

I'm glad you say that because I was beginning to think my child was just terrible. He throws fits all day long and hits at everything he can reach (including your face if you don't watch it)! I've been putting him in the corner. He hates it but that's the point, right?! (I have to turn around to laugh b/c he also hits the corner... ha)

The Segrest Family said...

even though he is destroying your decor, he sure is cute! and i feel you - we are SICK over here with the swine flu and my house looks like the aftermath of a tornado... and i don't care! just trying to make it to bedtime (all four of us are sick) boo.

i wish i had some, as you call it, 'veteran advice', but i don't. nash is in a terrible phase - well, he has bee for about 10 months now =) and nothing works. ha. i feel like i have tried every tactic. so if you figure it out, let me know.

Laura said...

Since I know you're a reader. I highly recommend Making the Terrible Twos Terrific by John Rosemond. I don't know what we would have done without it. He explains why it's a good thing to let your child throw a fit - helps a lot with the mommy guilt.