Monday, September 15, 2008

Tailgate Trauma

This weekend Anthony and I headed to Starkville to watch our Bulldogs take on Auburn. I hoped that I would be good luck. Last year one of the only home games I made it to was the Alabama game, and since we won, I was sure that I was the reason. (Makes perfect sense, right?) We arrived at our tailgate around 12:00, only to find that some other people had decided that they wanted our spot, unapologetically took down our tent, and leaned it against a tree. Can you believe people? Not a good start...I don't think I've seen Anthony that mad in a long time. There aren't many things that get under his skin, but you just don't touch the man's tailgate. Needless to say, things weren't off to the best start.

It turned out to be a beautiful day, except that it was hot as blazes. A lot of our friends asked about Sam, but I'm glad we didn't take him. I'm pretty sure he would have been miserably hot. I'm thinking he will make his official gameday debut at the Kentucky game. It will be much cooler, and I think he'll be happier bundled up rather than sticking to his stroller. Regardless, we had a great time despite the final score, and I'm still trying to catch up on lost sleep.

Since Sam wasn't with us, and I know our family would like an update of him--let's face it, they don't really care about Anthony and me anymore--I've attached a video of Joe playing patty-cake with him. It's pretty cute.


LT (and Max) said...

it was good to see you! other than the tailgate tent, i'm glad you had fun in starkville. next time you better bring sam and i BETTER get to see him!!

Andrew, Shelbi, Drew & Macy said...

Hey Shermans!!! I stumbled upon your blog tonight. Sam is precious and I hope to see you all in Starkville this fall. We will be there...for the tailgating now that our team is in the tank!
