Monday, June 1, 2015

Last day of school...

Sam said "goodbye" to first grade and "hello" to summer.  We had a great year, he had a FANTASTIC class, and a lovely teacher.  Sam truly found his place and found a great group of friends.  After I picked him up from his last day, we got in the car and he began to cry.  He was already worried he wouldn't be in a class with his friends in the fall. If my child is crying because he enjoyed school so much, I'm fine with that.


Sam is 7...

Sam was lucky enough to have 3 separate birthday celebrations this year.  His birthday party was on the 16th, Anthony and I went to school to have lunch with him on the 19th, and his actual birthday is on the 21st.  Since his birthday is smack-dab at the end of the school year, it gets a little complicated. Which is ridiculous, because no 7-year-old's birthday should be complicated. 
My iPhone bit the dust a few weeks ago, and  I lost his birthday party pictures.  Bummer.  
This year he had his party at the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame.  I believe it's the best birthday party Sam's had. The venue is great, there are games for the kids to play, and he had lots of his buddies attend. 
Anthony and I went to school to have lunch with him for his "school birthday."  As expected, Sam was incredibly silly and refused to take any decent pictures.   

Sam's best buds.