People, he is two. He is two in a BIG way.
Alex is a ball of constant motion. He does not stop, he does not accept the word, "no," and everything is "mine." As you can imagine, he and Sam are getting along famously right now. And by famously I mean that I cannot leave them alone together for one second without them fighting. Sam doesn't have much patience with Alex, nor does he want him breathing anywhere in the general vicinity. Alex, on the other hand, wants to be by Sam at all times. You can see how this works really well.
In a year or two they'll be best friends, right? Right? RIGHT?
He is so funny, though...and very affectionate. If you need a kiss or a hug, he's your guy. And if you need someone to sing you a tune, here's his set list:
1. Jingle Bells
2. Ring-Around-The-Rosy
3. Itsy-Bitsy Spider (Also known as "Issy Spider")
4. Jesus Loves Me (He can do guitar accompaniment)
5. I'm A Little Tea Pot
6. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star ("Twinkle Star")
After the usual catalog of childhood songs, he likes to request and sing the "Scooby Doo" theme song, AND
drum roll, please...
"Hail State"
The Mississippi State Fight Song
I'm not 2-year-old probably knows the words to the fight song better than most incoming freshmen. Whether or not he'll do it on request is another issue.
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