Monday, August 13, 2012

No rhyme or reason...

to anything I have to say right now, but this is what's going on around these parts.

Question--  Did I actually pay money to go see about movie about hot men who "dance" for a living? 

Answer--Shamefully, yes. 

Some friends and I met up for sushi beforehand, which became a problem rather quickly.  We waited an hour and ended up having to get it to go.  This meant we smuggled 3 Styrofoam boxes of sushi into the movie theater.  I bet we smelled awesome.  A friend also smuggled in some red wine, which she poured from a thermos.  

We sat in the very back row like adolescents and giggled every time a guy began to dance.  We giggled a lot. 

This is what a 4-year-old looks like when he stays up way too late.

Sam catching quality time with my oldest brother.  And yes, we all look alike.

Why pay for a water park ticket when all your kid wants to do is play in the sand?

Homeslice loves to eat.

Super Mario? 
Fake mustaches courtesy of the Dollar Tree.

My favorite thumb-sucker.