Tuesday, December 13, 2011


At this point we're about 2 1/2 wks. from Alex's arrival.  As much as we talk about the baby's arrival, I know that Sam doesn't quite get that he will no longer be the only child around here.  I've been going through some of his baby pictures lately, and I cannot believe that my baby has gone from this:

to this:

Although he has been known to throw some serious tantrums, I can honestly say that we are so blessed.  And I'm about to brag, so feel free to stop reading now. (Unless you just like hearing a mom being obnoxious.)

Things I want to remember:

1.  I'm blown away by his vocabulary.  Hearing a 3-year-old tell me things like, "Actually, mama, I think I want chicken," is hilarious.  He also informed me a few days ago that something wasn't blue; it was indigo. 

2.  He's still not a great sleeper at night.  He'll roll into our room at about 4:00 some nights, but most of the time we're able to escort him right back to his bed.  He still takes an enormous nap in the afternoon, and woe be to you if he misses it.

3.  He is still obsessed with firetrucks, garbage trucks, and buses.  When the bus stops on our street to pick up a kid for school, Sam flies to the window to watch it. 

4.  The only "baby" word that he still uses is "tether."  I don't know where he got it, but when Sam says "tether," it means "pick me up/hold me."  I may cry the day he stops saying it.

5.  I also may cry when he stops telling me that he "just wants to cuddle, mama."  I realize that I won't know when it's the last time that he says it, so I appreciate every time he says it. 

6.  He thinks every football player who is #14 is Chris Relf, and every player who is #1 is C-bump.  Every once in awhile he'll tell me that #28 is Ballard.  He has known the words to the fight song since sometime last year. 

7.  He informed me that for Christmas, he wants Santa's sack.  As in the sack that holds all the toys.  I had to give him the whole speech about giving rather than receiving, celebration of Christ, etc.  I have to give the kid credit for thinking outside the box, though.  He also told me he wanted a fire truck.  I responded that he had plenty of fire trucks.  He then told me, "I want one in our garage"...as in a real fire truck.  He's going to be disappointed Christmas morning. 

8.  He's also obsessed with "worker men," otherwise known as construction workers.  He loves his tools and toolbox, and any time you get out a hammer, he has to go get his toolbox to "help."

"Worker Man Sam" with his protective eyewear on his head.

I'm trying my best to remember all these little nuances that I take for granted.  I don't want to forget them as he grows.  I'd appreciate any prayers for Sam in the next few weeks as we make the transition from 1-2 babies.