Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tyrannical toddler...

So Sam had his tonsils and adenoids out last Tuesday.  The doctor was fabulous, Blair Batson was great, and the surgery went well.  We were told over and over beforehand that we would have the worst end of the deal--recovery. Boy, were they right.

I thought the past week was going to be spent cuddling a tired and sick toddler, feeding him popsicles, and doing whatever I needed to help him feel better.  Don't get me wrong--we've done all of those things.  What I didn't know was that the recovery was going to turn my sweet, fairly laid back 3-year-old into a mini Moammer Gadhafi. 

It's been a little over a week since the surgery, and this mama is ready to oust my tiny tyrant from his position of dictatorship.  Fingers crossed that my sweet Sam will rebound sooner rather than later.