I'm going to need it. Baby number #2 is a boy! We're thrilled, and I am trying to wrap my head around what it is going to be like to be surrounded by 3 males. (4 if you count our obnoxious dog.) All I know is that I feel certain my house will constantly be filled with dirt, balls, and tools. I'm just glad Anthony doesn't hunt, too. I might lose my mind if I had to deal with that and the sports obsession.
It's a really, really, good thing that I grew up with two brothers, and I enjoy watching ballgames.
Of course, this baby may end up being an Olympic diver. He wasn't very cooperative during the ultrasound; he kept his legs tightly closed, and he was in a full pike the entire time. Something like this:
And I'm not exaggerating. This is the position my child was in the other day, and he wanted no part in moving around. Looks comfortable, right? I've already started looking at the Summer Olympics for 2028 or 2032.