Thursday, April 28, 2011

My mom...

She truly makes me laugh.  Here's an email I got a few days ago.

" I just want to know why Carrie Bradshaw did not stick with Aidan--much better choice.  I don't know if I can finish watching, knowing that she is going to dump him for Big!!! Have a good weekend!"

It took me a minute to realize she was talking about Sex and the City. She's watching them in syndication.  Hilarious.  And I agree--Aidan was much cuter and sweeter. 


Laura @ Our Messy Messy Life said...

I feel the same way. I think in the futureland of tv shows, Big is going to screw Carrie over again. It's inevitable whether it is televised or not.

Unknown said...

This made me laugh so hard b/c it sounds like something my mother would email me.

mary straton said...

Berger was my favorite.