Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chaos reigns supreme...

at our house right now.  We move in a week--that's right, a week.  I have boxes stacked up in every corner of our home, and it's driving me insane.  The really fun aspect of this is that we won't even be able to truly move into the new casa because we're having some work done as soon as the ink on our contract is dry.  We will be bunking with my lovely in-laws in the meantime.  (And I'm not being sarcastic, they actually are lovely people.)  The next few weeks should be interesting, that's for sure. 

Patience is not a virtue that I was blessed with, and I'm dying to start arranging furniture, hanging pictures, dressing windows, you name it.   And I'm really tired of finding that I need something only to realize that it's already packed up in a box somewhere.

Sam, of course, is somehow blissfully unaware of the stress in our home right now.  As long as the world continues to revolve around him, he's fine.  It is supposed to revolve around him, right?


Ryan, Reed, and Pearce Toms said...

Hey! When you move, we'd love your boxes once you unpack if you don't have other plans for them:) We have to move out May 20th! I'm freaking... got to get packing. I know your excited about your new crib!