Thursday, September 24, 2009

I'm an idiot...

So, last night I was getting Sam ready for dinner with my in-laws. As I picked him up, I noticed a really strange smell--like rotten eggs. I couldn't figure out what in the world it was. I sniffed the kid's hands, armpits, hair, and still had no idea what I was smelling. I decided it was all in my head, put Sam in his carseat, and went my merry way. After I arrived at the Shermans, I still sniffed "eau de eggs." I got Sam out, took him inside, and asked my FIL if he could smell the stinkiness. He agreed that something was definitely rotten in Denmark, but he couldn't figure out what the funk was either. We chalked it up to the antibiotic Sam's taking and walked out the door. As soon as we got outside, Joe asked me if I had checked Sam's diaper.


I promise I'm not new to this motherhood game. I'm just an idiot sometimes.


The Bonds Family said...

Oh my gosh that's hilarious and yet gross! I'm sure that was a fun diaper to change. Is there anything worse than a poopie diaper while on antibiotics? Don't worry about it, it happens to all of us!