Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Anthony and I have decided to buy a hospital room at this point. We think it's more cost efficient to have a permanent residence. 2012 was supposed to be kinder to us, but it hasn't impressed me yet. I have high hopes that things will improve in the next few months.

So about RSV...it sucks.  Apparently, it's highly contagious, and even if your child doesn't go to daycare he can still catch it.  Alex started sounding congested late Sunday, but it didn't sound like much.  By Tuesday, we were headed to the pediatrician.  We got our diagnosis, but we were told that you can't do anything about RSV--you just have to ride it out.  We ended up having to go back to the doctor on Wednesday.  Thursday we were told to go to the hospital. 

I slept in a hospital crib with my child for two nights.  I know I looked like an idiot, but seeing a 5 wk. old hooked up to an IV is not cool.  If I had to look like a fool to be close to my baby, I was fine with it.  Anyway, they watched his vitals for a few days, and thankfully everything looked good.  We were discharged on Saturday.  Now we're at home and we hope that Alex will continue to improve over the next week or two. 

Because I want my baby to be well...

And I don't want to sleep in a crib again.