Monday, August 19, 2013

First. Day. Of. Kindergarten.


Just wow.

Sam started kindergarten last  Monday.

Sunday was a little chaotic since we came home from our trip that afternoon.  It was pretty crazy getting unpacked, washing clothes, and making sure that uniforms and bags were ready to go.  I didn't sleep well that night.  My mind just wouldn't stop.

Anthony and I took him to school that day.  For the first week, we were allowed to walk him to his classroom.  The school he's attending is so much bigger than his previous one, and it is K-6.  He looked so small in his little uniform.  We took him to his room, and he met his teacher.  At that point, he got a little nervous and hid behind me.  We showed him where to hang his bag, and he sat down at a table by himself and began to color.  He then looked at me and said, "I thought you said my friends were going to be here."  My heart sank.  He does have friends from his old school, but none of them are in his class.

When we left the classroom, I teared up.  I honestly didn't think I would--we had been so busy, it hadn't occurred to me.  But after he asked where his friends were it was like a punch to the gut.  Bless him.

I shouldn't have worried.  When I picked him up that afternoon, he jumped in my car like he had been going there for years.  He told me all about his day, but the thing he was most fascinated by was their discipline program.  Each child has a monkey.  When you get a warning, your monkey is moved once.  2nd time, you miss some of recess.  The third time, Sam informed me, "You're really, really, in trouble.  You miss recess AND they call your mom."

It's been a full week, and so far he hasn't had his monkey moved.  It's amazing how much better he acts for others.  Why can't he be so cooperative for me?

He has enjoyed Computer, Music, Library, Discovery, Gym, and Spanish.  In other big news, he officially has a friend.  Kids crack me up.

The amount of time it took me to finish the Spiderman on his bag was ridiculous.  I probably shouldn't have waited so late to do it.  Lesson learned.  

Sitting at his new table.  

The infamous monkey.  

Alex started his program today, and I wish I could say it went as well.  Since Sam prefers his daddy and his grandfathers, I swore that Alex would be mine.  I'm eating my words.  

He screamed the second I walked out the door, and today was only the "phase-in" period.  I have made no plans for the days that he's there because I fully expect to get phone calls.  I'm hoping he'll settle in sooner rather than later.  

At least he was happy before we left this morning.   



Unknown said...

good grief you have gorgeous children.