Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ain't Life Grand...

A few weeks ago, we packed up and headed down for our annual trip to the Grand Hotel.  We've gone the past 3 years, and we love it.  When I'm down there, I sometimes feel like I'm on a second honeymoon--except that I'm with a 2-year-old.  My fabulous in-laws were gracious enough to take us down, babysit a lot, and foot the bill.  We booked a ton of pool time and quite a bit of lying around time.  I even got a massage courtesy of the husband.  Lazy days = happy mom.    

We fed the ducks...
...and fed them some more...

...and a little bit more just to make sure they were full. 

Like his Elvis face?  This was before he broke his grandparents' camera.  Thank you.  Thank you very much.

Family pic.  Excuse my frizziness.  It was humid. 

One more

Now you know where Sam's curls came from.



mary straton said...

let me tell you something (as if you don't already know)

1) Sam is a DOLL.
2) That Sherman gene is STRONG.

precious family!!