Sunday, June 26, 2011

A little advice...

Never, ever, ever, ever watch Toy Story 3 when you're pregnant.

I just spent the last 20 minutes bawling like a 2-year-old who just had a toy taken from him.  The scene where Andy leaves for college is brutal.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

16 (x 2) and Pregnant...

Yep.  Now you know how old I am.

And you also know why I have been absent for so long.  I just got home from what I thought would be my 10 wk. appointment.  After the ultrasound today, we found out we were a little off on our previous calculations, and I'll be 12 wks. tomorrow.  I'm praying this means that the all day nausea will begin to dissipate.

Side note #1:  Those of you out there who never had awful nausea during pregnancy--the kind where you dry-heave EVERY morning, OR have to sprint to find any available receptacle including plastic bags while on the road,  OR throw up in restaurant parking lots and have your 3-year-old pat you on the back saying "That's ok, mama,"--I ENVY YOU.  And I know women have been putting up with this for centuries--this malady isn't exclusive to me by any means. However, I am going to go on record that pregnancy is not kind to me.  I certainly don't glow.  Unless turning a lovely shade of green counts, in which case, I guess I do. 

Side note #2:  To make things really fun (because we love to keep things exciting around the Sherman household)  we have had a total of four family members in and out of the hospital during this time period.  One of them was me.  Did I mention I had a seizure?  Nothing says fun like an early morning ride to the ER in an ambulance.  We're all fine, and we're hoping that it was a crazy side effect of hormones and some medication I was previously on.  However, I am not allowed to drive until we have an MRI and get the all clear from a neurologist.  I was already classified as high risk, but I think I've been able to take it to another level.  Like I said, we like to keep things interesting around here. 

House arrest is no fun.  Maybe I should call Lindsay Lohan and ask her how to deal. 

For those of you who've forgotten, I gave birth to a toddler the first time around..  Sam was a 10.3 lb. whopper.  We had no idea beforehand, and his enormity caused several complications during and post-birth.  We're hoping that this baby is a nice, normal, healthy size.  However, I will admit that I'm not sure I even know how to handle a smaller baby.  We'll see.

I'll be due sometime in late December/early January.  Anthony has already been told that he has tentative permission to attend the Sugar or Cotton Bowl. Everything else will have to be watched on tv.  If the Bulldogs actually end up in one of these locations, I deserve "Wife of the Year."

Yes, we have our priorities in order.